Optimum Research Consulting is a firm specializing in assisting graduate students and working professionals with all aspects of their research. We mainly help doctoral students throughout their dissertation process.

Optimum Research is available 7 days a week, 365 days a year to serve you. We are available by phone between 9 AM and 6 PM eastern time from Mondays through Fridays. We are always available via email, even during holidays.

Optimum’s research team is comprised of analysts who have extensive research experience at the graduate level and beyond. We stand behind our expertise and guarantee approval for our services.

You can count on us to be 100 percent professional and accountable throughout the consultation process. We never charge for revisions to our work and put your priorities first when developing a quote or suggesting an academic plan. We believe in open communication to earn your trust and ensure our integrity–so if you have questions, just ask!
What does Optimum Research do?
We help students achieve their goals. Specifically we work with Doctoral Students to ensure their success.
How does Optimum Research work?
We work like any professional consulting firm. First we give a FREE CONFIDENTIAL consultation where your needs are discussed in order to come up with a specialized plan just for you. We will also provide a quote if you desire to hire us. Our process is outlined below.
What can Optimum Research do for me?
We can ensure your success. We will help you graduate sooner. Time will be returned to you and your family. You will be promoted sooner. There is nothing to lose – only to gain.
Below is the journey of a typical Optimum client …
We help mystified doctoral students with every aspect of their dissertation process.
Need help identifying an appropriate research topic for your dissertation? Getting tangled in the lengthy Literature Review chapter? Experiencing a lack of support from your online courses and chairs? Completely clueless about how to devise a proper methodology and subsequent analyses?
We assist busy professionals with finishing their doctorate goals in a fraction of the time.
Are you a novice researcher looking for support to further refine your study? Don’t have time to learn SPSS, NVivo, or Stata? In a time crunch with fast-approaching deadlines? Interested in collaborating with industry-leading researchers to assist with analysis for your thesis?
…and for our corporate clients Optimum helps businesses analyze data with confidence and ease.
Looking for statisticians to optimize your business model? Have corporate data that would benefit from sophisticated statistical analyses? Need assistance with survey development or a presentation? Need the best resume editors available?
Clients discuss their needs with an Optimum Research Consultant.
A client takes the first step and reaches out to Optimum to discuss their concerns with a consultant. The consultant works to understand the specific needs of the client and comes up with a custom solution specifically for the client.
Our management team meets to determine which analyst is the best fit for the client’s needs.
Each client has a unique situation that requires specialized expertise. Optimum has a team of experienced analysts from all fields who have years of competency with PhD level work. Management chooses from this pool of talent to provide solutions that are a quality fit for the client.
We have PhD level analysts all over the US from a variety of disciplines.
Having a mixture of local and remote workers gives Optimum flexibility that other more traditional firms lack.
Our analysts have been vetted to assure the success of our clients.
Optimum hires only the highest quality editors and analysts. For businesses, finding the appropriate consultant can take many days of valuable time. With Optimum, all it takes is a simple phone-call and Optimum’s team can take it from there, minimizing the time spent by the client.
The variety of disciplines assures a fit with the specific needs of our clients.
Optimum’s approach of in-house analysts mixed with remote analysts fits in well with the needs of our clients. In addition, all work is reviewed by a Doctorate staff.
We deliver the work to our clients in the agreed upon time.
Once the work has been completed by an analyst, it is quickly returned to the client. Optimum will continue to work with the client as needed for every step of the process. For tutoring, a qualified professional academic will be paired with you to discuss any issues by phone or email. Optimum ensures the confidence of the client moving forward.
You will have your edited work ready to be submitted when we finish.
Optimum will work directly with you until the work is completed. We will help you with your editing which responds to the comments. Also, you will not need to worry about additional revisions because of Optimum’s approval guarantee. If the work is not approved, we will continue working with you at no additional cost.
Business executives utilize reports provided by Optimum to make critical decisions.
Optimum’s statisticians provide extensive reports in areas of high value. Have data but not sure the best way to analyze them? Want to impress your manager? Optimum helps companies with these types of research needs.
Optimum helps you graduate quicker so that you can advance to the next steps in your professional career.
Optimum can assist with every step of the dissertation and other research needs. Clients from all over the world have come to Optimum and had extremely satisfactory results. Often, online schools lack the support of brick and mortar schools. Optimum fills in the gap to help speed graduation.
Using our business consulting frees up time for other things in life.
Optimum Research is key to providing data-driven solutions and reporting. Whether the client lacks the time or expertise, Optimum will step in and assure the project is done professionally, accurately, and on time.
Optimum Research Consulting
(984) 222 – 7122